All posts by Admin

Surgeries for Dr A. Jones

As patients who have seen Dr Jones will realise, she is pregnant. From now until she goes on maternity leave at the beginning of March she will only be doing telephone or video consultations. She will still see those who have a face to face appointment arranged for this week (20-24 December).

Flu Vaccinations Update

The Surgery is continuing to provide Flu Vaccination Clinics every weekday. There are plenty of appointments available next week, including Monday. For those patients who have difficulty attending on weekdays we are running a clinic on Saturday 6th November 8:30am – 2pm. This is also by appointment. Any patients aged 50 or over or younger patients in an at risk group are eligible.

It is important for people to get a flu vaccination this year if they are eligible as there is an increased risk to health if people catch flu and COVID-19 at the same time. With the reduced social mixing over last winter people will also have less immunity to winter viruses, including flu.

Flu Vaccinations 2021

Our flu vaccination clinics have now started. We have morning and afternoon vaccination clinics running most days at both sites. Please phone the Surgery to make an appointment.

If you are a housebound patient requiring a flu vaccination please contact the Surgery to make sure you are added to our housebound list, which will be running through October.

There are three different vaccination clinics, detailed as follows. If you are not sure if you are in an at risk category (for example asthma, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease and neurological disease) please contact the surgery.

65 and over

  • All patients aged 65 years old and over

18 to 64

  • At risk patients aged 18–49 years old
  • All patients aged 50–64 years old

Under 18 (nasal flu vaccination)

  • All 2–3 year olds – if not having vaccination in school or if your child has missed the vaccination
  • At risk 4–17 year olds

Cwm Taf Morgannwg Community Health Council – accessing Emergency care – Patient experience survey

Community Health Councils (CHC’s) routinely seek feedback from patients and the public about their NHS services.

Cwm Taf Morgannwg CHC are interested in hearing about the patient experience of accessing Accident and Emergency departments located in Prince Charles Hospital, Princess of Wales Hospital and Royal Glamorgan Hospital. The CHC will share with Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board and NHS service providers, what people in our communities tell them. This is so that the Health Board and NHS service providers can see what people think is working well and take action to improve the service where this is needed, as soon as possible.

What’s been your experience of accessing Emergency Care and treatment?

You can share your views with Cwm Taf Morgannwg CHC by completing their patient/ service user experience survey:

Alternatively, you may wish to speak to a CHC member of staff, who will complete the survey on your behalf over the telephone.

You can contact your local CHC via:-

Tel: 01443 405830 (please note calls are currently being diverted to a mobile number)

Email: [email protected]

Text: 62277 (begin your message with CTMCHC followed by your feedback)

Post: Cwm Taf Morgannwg Community Health Council, Ty Antur, Park Navigation, Abercynon, CF45 4SN

You can also follow Cwm Taf Morgannwg CHC – your independent NHS health watchdog – on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.